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Stuart McRobert
Did anyone know that Stuart McRobert has a 'Hardgainer' website, and is still writing books.
Anyway, on his site I found this

Q. You teach training methods that don't need drugs to make them work. Are you sure the guys whose photos you feature aren't drug-assisted?

The only way to be sure there are no photographs of drug-enhanced men on this website is not to have any photographs of men published here other than those that were taken over 70 years ago. But that would be extreme response to the rampant use of drugs in the worlds of bodybuilding and strength training today. 

The most obvious examples of drug-fed physiques are the muscle monsters that abound in the mainstream bodybuilding press. But at the “moderate” levels of muscle development shown on this website, it’s not possible to identify with certainty whether or not the men have used performance enhancing drugs (PEDs).

Even lesser levels of muscle development don’t necessarily guarantee drug-free status. The use of bodybuilding drugs is so common today that there are some men on them who don’t have physiques in line with that assistance because they don’t train well enough.

Sourcing suitable photographs to illustrate this website is tricky. Dishonesty abounds among users of PEDs. Consider the high-profile users of PEDs in cycling, athletics and other sports who were adament they were drug-free until they were eventually exposed. Many “drug-free” or “natural” bodybuilders use PEDs. 

Some men and women who are drug-free have exceptional physiques because they have good genetics for bodybuilding and they trained and recuperated well for many years.  

So, I can’t be sure that all the men in the photographs illustrating this website are drug-free. But what’s most important is that the instruction promoted on this website doesn’t need drug assistance to make it work, or exceptional genetics for bodybuilding. 

How well the instruction works, though, depends on how well it’s applied and for how long, the genetic potential of the individual for bodybuilding, and the individual’s age, current level of development, and health. 

From the reviews

BY the 1960s, the period that another magazine termed “the Dianabol Decade,” it was possible for guys with the potential of Hercules to gain on routines nobody else could, now that they were on anabolic steroids—and ghost writers wrote up these routines and presented them as models for the rest of us. What it did, of course, was create a market for food supplements. From the 1960s to now, most bodybuilding magazines evolved into glorified supplement catalogues, selling pills that the bodybuilding stars didn’t even take. (They had what they needed in the needle they got stuck with.)
Interesting that we all now know that the BB world were lying to us. But McRobert claimed that everyone else was lying to us, but he was telling you the truth. When he was just lying as well.

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