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Jacked Guys – the Result of Great Genetics or Great Injections?
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Jacked Guys – the Result of Great Genetics or Great Injections?
this article demonstrates the maturity, experience and knowledge that you ve got through many years in lifting game
Good article.

I think I have good genetics - my broad shoulders and narrow waist, 186 cm tall.

But still I look nothing like the tren users.

I'm still content with my physique.

Sandows arms were properly measured by a doctor (can't remember specifics) but they were only 16'5 inches. Probably measured cold which is how arms should be measured.

Even Mike Mentzer said in an interview that his arms only every measured 18'5 inches cold. Take a look at his arms in pics and they look massive. 

16'5 inch arms and 15% bf are extremely rare on a natural. Never mind 17 inches. 

Most naturals with low bodyfat (15% or less) will never have more than 15 - 15'5 inch arms. Genetic elite may get to 16 - 16'5 naturally at low bf.

I got mine to 41 cm once (16 inches) but I was not lean. Now they are 40 cm and I am more lean (but still not lean). I got close to 15 - 16% bf once and my arms were 39cm cold.

To put it into perspective:

My wrists are 17 cm which is 6'69 inches.
Sandows wrists were 7'2 inches.

His upper arms were 16'5 inches while mine are 15'7 inches. But he was also more lean than I am.

I will never have 16'5 inch arms because I lack the bone thickness as can be seen in the difference in wrist size between Sandow and myself.

So In order for a natural to even think about 17 inch arms in lean condition (15% bf) he would have to have atleast 7'4 + inch (estimate) wrists and then long muscle bellies.

Now how many men have 7'4 inch wrists with long muscle bellies?

(01-21-2020, 07:17 AM)Brett Wrote: Good article.

I think I have good genetics - my broad shoulders and narrow waist, 186 cm tall.

But still I look nothing like the tren users.

I'm still content with my physique.

Sandows arms were properly measured by a doctor (can't remember specifics) but they were only 16'5 inches. Probably measured cold which is how arms should be measured.

Even Mike Mentzer said in an interview that his arms only every measured 18'5 inches cold. Take a look at his arms in pics and they look massive. 

16'5 inch arms and 15% bf are extremely rare on a natural. Never mind 17 inches. 

Most naturals with low bodyfat (15% or less) will never have more than 15 - 15'5 inch arms. Genetic elite may get to 16 - 16'5 naturally at low bf.

I got mine to 41 cm once (16 inches) but I was not lean. Now they are 40 cm and I am more lean (but still not lean). I got close to 15 - 16% bf once and my arms were 39cm cold.

To put it into perspective:

My wrists are 17 cm which is 6'69 inches.
Sandows wrists were 7'2 inches.

His upper arms were 16'5 inches while mine are 15'7 inches. But he was also more lean than I am.

I will never have 16'5 inch arms because I lack the bone thickness as can be seen in the difference in wrist size between Sandow and myself.

So In order for a natural to even think about 17 inch arms in lean condition (15% bf) he would have to have atleast 7'4 + inch (estimate) wrists and then long muscle bellies.

Now how many men have 7'4 inch wrists with long muscle bellies?
Sandow's right arm was 16.9 inches. His left arm was 16.1 inches. 

You consider 15% bf to be in lean condition? Most men will barely have abs at that bodyfat percentage. I think a 15 inch lean drug free arm is a good goal to start with. Most people will probably be able to move beyond that given enough time. 

It's always the arms though. I noticed that big arms have kind of a halo effect. If a guy has lean 16.5+ arms, he has automatically considered big, even if his torso looks like a first or second year lifters.
(02-01-2020, 02:27 AM)Richard Wrote: Sandow's right arm was 16.9 inches. His left arm was 16.1 inches. 

You consider 15% bf to be in lean condition? Most men will barely have abs at that bodyfat percentage. I think a 15 inch lean drug free arm is a good goal to start with. Most people will probably be able to move beyond that given enough time. 

It's always the arms though. I noticed that big arms have kind of a halo effect. If a guy has lean 16.5+ arms, he has automatically considered big, even if his torso looks like a first or second year lifters.

15% is flat stomach with no love handles. Not necessarily abs. 

Flat stomach is hard to maintain.


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