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Just did a 27-fast | Feels good
I got addicted to sugar, again. And my goal is to break out. I am not fat, but I've been eating a lot of junk food due to other reasons,primarily mental instability, and decided to switch to heavy fasting – one meal every 24 hours. 

The first day felt pretty good. I had more energy than expected and my appetite for bad foods was numbed.
What type of meal provides you with enough energy to fast for 24 hours? Eating 2000+ calories in one sitting seems like a lot.

Aside from that, I'm sorry to hear about your current mental state. I wish you well brother, we all experience rough patches, especially in these ridiculous times we live in.

Sugar, especially the processed kind, is one of the most addictive substances. Reducing sugar's hold on you will prevent intense blood sugar peaks and troughs, which will greatly improve how you feel, mentally and physically.
I don't think I am consuming 2000 calories. I just eat one meal. E.g., 5 eggs, some apples, bread and butter. But it's been only 2 days. If I keep it for a month, I expect to lose 5kg or so.
One meal/day is not heavy fasting. I would say the normal feeding for human is 1-2 meals/day. Basically -and ideally- you should eat whenever you are REALLY hungry. At these times, you should consume the best (healthier) available foods, in small quantities. High quality, low quantity. Some time, here and there (depends on several factors), you should fast...meaning not eating anything and just drinking filter water (and maybe herbs). This way, your body remembers/turns on the mechanisms/procedures of using fat tissue for energy and, more importantly, throws away useless proteins, useless molecules, toxins and of course gets the chance to rest organs like pancreas, stomach, intestines etc. It's very important.

With loving hate, Screamager.
(01-14-2020, 08:33 PM)Screamager Wrote: One meal/day is not heavy fasting. I would say the normal feeding for human is 1-2 meals/day. Basically -and ideally- you should eat whenever you are REALLY hungry. At these times, you should consume the best (healthier) available foods, in small quantities. High quality, low quantity. Some time, here and there (depends on several factors), you should fast...meaning not eating anything and just drinking filter water (and maybe herbs). This way, your body remembers/turns on the mechanisms/procedures of using fat tissue for energy and, more importantly, throws away useless proteins, useless molecules, toxins and of course gets the chance to rest organs like pancreas, stomach, intestines etc. It's very important.

With loving hate, Screamager.

I agree that it probably isn't "heavy" in general, but it is for me. In the past, I would do 15-18 hours but never 24 or more.

Thank you for the informative bit too.
Anyway, I think 24hrs fasting is good for the health (including mental health - mood). Try to break the fast with good food.
(01-15-2020, 01:45 AM)Screamager Wrote: Anyway, I think 24hrs fasting is good for the health (including mental health - mood). Try to break the fast with good food.

How is it going bro?

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