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A quick way to checks ones natty status
True natties, 95% (lets have 1 exception to the rule for the sake of argument) will NEVER have to justify their natty status, either to you, or their audience. Why? Because deep down, people looking at them, know that he is natural. A true natty is able to draw attention to him, given he has some favorable genetics in strength or in proportions, like having bigger arms than usual, or being able to keep full during dieting, but will rarely draw huge attention.
 Meaning, you will never or rarely see him being sponsored by supplement companies (unless its theirs, e.x Omar isuf) or by clothing companies like Gymshark, underarmor etc.
Furthermore, in his pictures he will not use code words like "100% natty" "all natty" "say no to steroids" etc. Why? Because he has no one to justify to. He is natural, and people know it. End of discussion. Him saying it may actually make people ridicule him with b.s lines like "eat more bro" "we know you dont use steroids you are tiny" etc...

Not everyone has the same response to drugs. Someone could be blasting huge amounts of drugs but due to his poor metabolism or it being underdosed still make him look like shit. Hell he could only be on trt and still post as "natural".

Attention to details sometimes gives more answers, than straight up answers.
Agree with most of it.

Except what is blasting huge amounts of drugs?

If someone has bad genetics but taking lots of drugs (testosterone for example) I'm sure we would see it visually. After all its a hormone.

For example lets just say that the average women has bad genetics for building muscle. Letd assume so becausd estrogen has a direct negative effect on muscle mass ans positive effect on fat cells. However, give a woman "a huge amount of drugs" and her hormonal profile will start to change. Her visual appearance will reflect that. Broader face, pronounced deltoids, lower body fat, upper chest development, etc.

All things her prior genetic state wouldn't allow.

(01-10-2020, 06:15 AM)Brett Wrote: Agree with most of it.

Except what is blasting huge amounts of drugs?

If someone has bad genetics but taking lots of drugs (testosterone for example) I'm sure we would see it visually. After all its a hormone.

For example lets just say that the average women has bad genetics for building muscle. Letd assume so becausd estrogen has a direct negative effect on muscle mass ans positive effect on fat cells. However, give a woman "a huge amount of drugs" and her hormonal profile will start to change. Her visual appearance will reflect that. Broader face, pronounced deltoids, lower body fat, upper chest development, etc.

All things her prior genetic state wouldn't allow.

No, estrogen does not have a direct negative effect on muscle mass, in fact its the opposite. Estrogen plays a clear positive role in MPS, because estrogen makes your muscles release IGF-1. Contrary to popular myths sprouted by dozens of A-male sites, men NEED estrogen, even for erections. If you have trouble with erections, estrogen is probably not the culprit behind it.
Do you know what happens when people who cycle steroids use AIs? They lose muscle tone. Why? Because they no longer have igf-1 release inside their muscle tissue.

What i mean by by huge amounts of drugs is using a lot of compounds, or high dosages of certain compounds, and still looking like an average joe. Thats called genetics. Also genetics play a keen role in what side effects you will experience while using anabolic compounds.
(01-30-2020, 07:02 AM)khrazz Wrote: No, estrogen does not have a direct negative effect on muscle mass, in fact its the opposite. Estrogen plays a clear positive role in MPS, because estrogen makes your muscles release IGF-1. Contrary to popular myths sprouted by dozens of A-male sites, men NEED estrogen, even for erections. If you have trouble with erections, estrogen is probably not the culprit behind it.
Do you know what happens when people who cycle steroids use AIs? They lose muscle tone. Why? Because they no longer have igf-1 release inside their muscle tissue.

What i mean by by huge amounts of drugs is using a lot of compounds, or high dosages of certain compounds, and still looking like an average joe. Thats called genetics. Also genetics play a keen role in what side effects you will experience while using anabolic compounds.

How can you you be on a huge amount of drugs and still look like an 'average joe'?

(01-30-2020, 04:43 PM)Brett Wrote: How can you you be on a huge amount of drugs and still look like an 'average joe'?

The same reason why not everyone who studies astrophysics becomes Steven Hawkin...

Genetics play a keen role in how you metabolize drugs, and your response to them. Also you might get underdosed garbage, or fake / mixed steroids. They come from underground labs so you cant know for sure can you...

But assuming they are 100% clean, not everybody has the built to look freakish big. If your skeleton is thin, you will most likely look more jacked, but certainly not big (i am talking about internet big here, not real life big)
Seems true to me. I dream of the day when someone accused me of being on gear, not that it's ever going to happen.

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