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bit confused
I have pal who is not attractive but seem to have very good relationships with girl way out hes league . I wondering is he just somehow luck your is he being cheated on .  I know it cant be ges money because he works at same place as I use to work . Inless hes family rich not sure hes cool guy nothing wrong with hes personality hes pretty cool and chill but it's just seem very unreal . Something seem to good to be true dont want to sound jealous .
Maybe she finds him attractive. You say good relationship so are they dating/fucking or just friends. Theres a difference.

If he is objectively ugly and she is objectively hot and they are dating - it could be that she is dating him just to get attention. Women will do all sorts of things for attention. 

Because now look I bet most of her social circle and his is asking the same question you have. She knows it too so she is getting the attention she wanted.

(09-22-2019, 06:03 AM)Brett Wrote: Maybe she finds him attractive. You say good relationship so are they dating/fucking or just friends. Theres a difference.

If he is objectively ugly and she is objectively hot and they are dating - it could be that she is dating him just to get attention. Women will do all sorts of things for attention. 

Because now look I bet most of her social circle and his is asking the same question you have. She knows it too so she is getting the attention she wanted.

There in a relationship  mabey she does find him attractive it can be subjective sometimes.   To me hes objective ugly and she objective hot . Like he has good personality and stuff and he is chill . but they been in love since the beginning.  When they were in there teens there 25 now . I would say she 7 and hes a 4.
(09-22-2019, 09:13 AM)Plato Wrote: There in a relationship  mabey she does find him attractive it can be subjective sometimes.   To me hes objective ugly and she objective hot . Like he has good personality and stuff and he is chill . but they been in love since the beginning.  When they were in there teens there 25 now . I would say she 7 and hes a 4.

Miracles do happen. Maybe she sees her father in him and she has a good relationship with her father and wants a man like him.

Or maybe she hates her parents and she knows they hate that shes with him so this way she gets back at them.

(09-22-2019, 07:59 PM)Brett Wrote: Miracles do happen. Maybe she sees her father in him and she has a good relationship with her father and wants a man like him.

Or maybe she hates her parents and she knows they hate that shes with him so this way she gets back at them.

its probable silly to overthink it
Both of you made good points. But generally women don't date down. So in her eyes that man is around her league or higher. If you're really intrigued ask other women around how they see this man. In my case back when I was still working I have coworkers who are women crushing on men whom I think are not attractive. Also I tend to rank high those men who are like me or share the same physical attributes as me.
(10-07-2019, 10:59 PM)Rickley Wrote: Both of you made good points. But generally women don't date down. So in her eyes that man is around her league or higher. If you're really intrigued ask other women around how they see this man. In my case back when I was still working I have coworkers who are women crushing on men whom I think are not attractive. Also I tend to rank high those men who are like me or share the same physical attributes as me.

There not the same level attractive wise it shows out completely. Even kid could pick it out .
(10-07-2019, 10:59 PM)Rickley Wrote: Both of you made good points. But generally women don't date down. So in her eyes that man is around her league or higher. If you're really intrigued ask other women around how they see this man. In my case back when I was still working I have coworkers who are women crushing on men whom I think are not attractive. Also I tend to rank high those men who are like me or share the same physical attributes as me.

There is a guy at a church I go to who is a very skinny small framed mid height red head. He wears glasses aswell. While he is not ugly he is not a model either. His wife is quite attractive and I can tell before having two kids she was probably more attractive.

(10-07-2019, 11:23 PM)Plato Wrote: There not the same level attractive wise it shows out completely. Even kid could pick it out .

Being handsome does not equate being sexy nor attractive
By attractiveness I meant sex appeal.
For instance there are women who have said I am downright ugly but end up sleeping with me because they find me so damn sexy and irresistible.

One time at my previous work there's this boss who is good looking. Nice eyebrows, nice slanted eyes and some girls have crushes on him but they said they find him weak and little sex appeal.

I could explain this further if you want.

(10-08-2019, 05:39 AM)Brett Wrote: There is a guy at a church I go to who is a very skinny small framed mid height red head. He wears glasses aswell. While he is not ugly he is not a model either. His wife is quite attractive and I can tell before having two kids she was probably more attractive.

See my post above.
More than likely its proof to incels that physical attributes is not the be all and all.
Focus on the feelings brother. If the girl feels secured and emotionally fulfilled when shes with you more than likely she will find you attractive.

I'm not saying I'm good with women but pretty much I have spent an overwhelming amount of time with them that I gained experienced. Not to mention I have a lot of guy friends who are good with women.

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