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(10-07-2019, 10:53 PM)Rickley Wrote: Then I know you already know this but just be wary on the woman you talked about in the other thread. There are many times already wjen I personally know men why end up falling for the girl who they consider as friends with benefits type.
Can't agree more in what you say about women. Pretty much all of us here have red pilled mindsets. It seems I mostly agree to what we have to say about dating in the modern days.
Some people are actually happy and have love. As crazy as it sounds it's just rare . It hard because it takes two people. Even without all the moden era . I agree be bad boy fuck women but still play it by ear because there might be perfect girl out there and she turn ratton because of how she was treated its circle. Women hurt men then men hurt women. The one doesn't exist but what your after . And your understanding of it is less of what your fantasy thinks love is great it what stops hate . We need love in this world if not then the Elite won.
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(10-07-2019, 11:30 PM)Plato Wrote: Some people are actually happy and have love. As crazy as it sounds it's just rare . It hard because it takes two people. Even without all the moden era . I agree be bad boy fuck women but still play it by ear because there might be perfect girl out there and she turn ratton because of how she was treated its circle. Women hurt men then men hurt women. The one doesn't exist but what your after . And your understanding of it is less of what your fantasy thinks love is great it what stops hate . We need love in this world if not then the Elite won.
All women are the same man. Its just some are worse than the other. My point is just keep the red pilled mindset always. Women nature is always there. Anyway, I myself still date and if you want. I don't agree with the notion of perfect girl because women change. She might be the perfect girl now but fast forward 10 years she might not. But I still believe in marriage man if you want to raise kids. I grew up in a traditional 2 parent household and would want a family of my own.
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07-17-2020, 10:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-18-2020, 02:06 AM by Loverboy.)
(09-20-2019, 09:47 AM)TruthSeeker Wrote: Modern dating is the cancer that this generation has to fight.
It used to be a lot easier back in the day. There wasn't as much competition.
Social media, smartphones and feminism - collectively killed women and turned them into sad, lonely creatures.
Women are not happy regardless of what they say.
Part 1
I remembered this bolded line while I've been with a girl I reconnected with over the past week.
She has had countless more sex with a number of people that most presumably dwarfs mine, while I have basically not had a sex life except for a couple of brief spots years ago - of which she was the major component. And yet, it was clear that she was more miserable than me. Every time she dipped her toes into talking about her past or her mental health, I thought of this line from you. I felt and still do feel a sense of pity for her, because her misery does not make me happy. She could have all the casual sex she wanted as the modern ideal goes, and yet it had if anything only made her more miserable. What I speculate might once have been feelings of excitement and maybe even empowerment have now become feelings of weariness, being used and taken for granted both in and out of bed, and with nothing lastingly created except both the memories of bad experiences (I presume her own infidelity is also included here) and a disillusion with the kinds of men she's had sex with and the sex she's had with them. Men who were probably once exciting to her because she experienced them as cocky and confident when they said "of course" or "I know" to a compliment she gave them, she now merely experiences as smug and conceited (which is actually my explication of what she herself said).
I talked to her generally about the negatives of a culture that promotes treating other humans casually, as expendable props of humans' dopamine hits and egotism (as you write and depict in A Desert In The Sky, which I must re-read... that book is a fount of strength that you have shared with us). But I didn't have the fortitude to tell her more brutal, specific lessons about her own and other womens' naive behavior that ends up hurting themselves personally and collectively, as I don't want to exacerbate her decades-long depression that she already hints at. She seems to have accepted her situation anyway.
Part 2
We also came across a guy, "the celsius guy" (because he works with the celsius drink) who lives in the next gate from her. She says he has a new girl over every day, and indeed the day we saw him he had a girl with him. Today as I was standing on her balcony in the afternoon, all of a sudden I see a girl far away to my left walking near here... and the closer she gets, the more she looks like that girl who we saw celsius guy bring over the other day, the first time I saw him. I turn to look and celsius guy has appeared to swagger over here too from my right side, swinging his keys and looking like he couldn't be more relaxed and sure of himself. They meet and enter his gate. I walk back in and ask the girl I'm with something like, "you said celsius guy has a new girl over all the time but I just saw him with the same girl as before!", and with the same weary tone she always mentions him in, she said he sometimes has the same girls over.
I would like to know more about that guy, and his girls too. What does his life look and feel like? What are his inner thoughts? What is it that gives him the power with women that I don't have? I am hooked on finding out more about him in these senses.
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07-21-2020, 12:43 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-21-2020, 12:45 PM by TruthSeeker.)
Her emotional resource is gone. Once something is dirty; it's dirty. You can't undo the past and you can't ignore it.
For example, it would be naive from my part to think that the rejections that I've faced for years have no impact on who I am. Of course they do. The same applies to the "winners" of the modern sexual game.
Ultimately, every side loses because we are living in sin and shallowness. This woman that you're/were with is broken forever. She'll never connect with anyone unless she finds God and repents honestly. The chances of this are slim to none. Another man will and cannot fix her regardless of who he is. Similar situations need divine intervention.
The Calsius guy is probably very attractive from the female perspective. He's probably using Tinder or social media, both are far too similar than people may think, to get a new girl frequently.
There's no magic. There's no game. It's money, looks and lies. That's how guys like Celsius get them girls.
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(07-21-2020, 12:43 PM)TruthSeeker Wrote: Ultimately, every side loses because we are living in sin and shallowness. This woman that you're/were with is broken forever. She'll never connect with anyone unless she finds God and repents honestly. The chances of this are slim to none. Another man will and cannot fix her regardless of who he is. Similar situations need divine intervention.
Are you religious now Truthseeker?
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(07-22-2020, 09:54 AM)lemmings Wrote: Are you religious now Truthseeker?
I am not a fanatic, but I've been reading about religion for a long time. If you're looking for the truth, you can't ignore it.
When I was 21 or so, I was an atheist, but as the years went by I changed my position.
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(07-22-2020, 03:37 PM)TruthSeeker Wrote: I am not a fanatic, but I've been reading about religion for a long time. If you're looking for the truth, you can't ignore it.
When I was 21 or so, I was an atheist, but as the years went by I changed my position.
Interesting. I was raised as a Christian, although I wouldn't call myself one now; I've met too many delusional fanatics to think blindly putting all your faith in religion is a good idea. That said, I still think Christian morals are sound guidelines for living a just life in a lost world, as long as you don't forget to use your own brain when applying them.
I think religious texts do hold some truths, but you have to get past all the fluff, history, and drama to find them.
Do you subscribe to any particular religion now, or have you simply become more spiritual in general?
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(07-22-2020, 08:09 PM)lemmings Wrote: Interesting. I was raised as a Christian, although I wouldn't call myself one now; I've met too many delusional fanatics to think blindly putting all your faith in religion is a good idea. That said, I still think Christian morals are sound guidelines for living a just life in a lost world, as long as you don't forget to use your own brain when applying them.
I think religious texts do hold some truths, but you have to get past all the fluff, history, and drama to find them.
Do you subscribe to any particular religion now, or have you simply become more spiritual in general?
I don't come from a religious family, although I was baptized at birth. My religion is Christianity. But ultimately, I just want/ed to know the truth. And I don't think you can ignore that side of the story.