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There comes a time when you have to realize - It's NOT Your Fault
If you are a man, you have certainly faced a lot of criticism in regards to your dating skills. 

Whenever things do not work out, everyone blames you. Even men. In fact, most men behave like uncle Tom when it comes to your failures - they sign with the enemy even though they are in the same boat as you.

You didn't send the right message. You used too many emoticons. You didn't use any emoticons. Your jokes were stupid. You sent your text at the wrong hour of the day. You ordered the wrong wine. You paid the bill. You didn't pay the bill...etc.

Eventually, you will realize that explaining all failures with your actions is the scam played on men. You are guilty by default. 

When the margin for error is so slim, you are essentially playing a game that puts you in an ultra-heavy disadvantage. Your value is not what it is supposed to be. And your failures have nothing to do with the trivial explanations that you are going to receive. 

The "advice" that people are going to give you is no different than tinkering your sets and reps in the gym. You do 5x5 and you fail to grow? It's because 5x5 is for powerlifters. You need more volume. You do 3x10 and you don't grow? It's because this is for professional bodybuilders on tons of steroids. Essentially, they are treating you like a retard. 

Here's an example of date related tinkering:

Date 1

It was a coffee date. I know that this is a beta thing, but it was cold and we had to be indoors. I know that a true alpha would have suggested his mansion, but I am not a true alpha. 

The date went fine. She laughed a lot, although that means absolutely nothing. If I am in the mood, I can be funny (a quality that only the circus appreciates). 

I wrote her 2 hours after the date that I want to meet her again - no response. I was totally ghosted. 

P.S. I was dressed normally for that date.

Date 2

It was pretty much the same thing, except that she was more into me or so it seemed. I looked very good that day. Probably as good as I could ever look. The waitress checked me out. I am not kidding. 

I decided to write her back after 1 day. I didn't write her, however. I just called her. She didn't pick up. I was totally ghosted.

I asked a female co-worker - why? She said that I have waited too long (1 day)

P.S. I was overdressed for that date. 

Date 3

A similar thing except we were in some wine house or whatever that stupid pub was called. I decided that I will call her after 1 week. I'd had enough of women and didn't like her that much if at all and had no urge to call her quickly.

I checked my What'sApp messages (I normally don't use this app.) 2 days later - she had blocked me. Very weird but she had done it. 

P.S. I was somewhere in the middle clothes wise.


Why did all of this happen? Could the explanation be my timing? No. I tried three different methods and got the same result. Maybe I said the wrong things? Maybe my breathing was off? Maybe I should just up my bench press? 

All of that is nonsense. Those details are too minor. More importantly, you can't have a behavior that pleases everyone. One person would like a quality in you while another would be put off by it. A simple example is directness - some women like it; others don't. How are you supposed to read minds? 


There comes a time when you have to admit it - you are not wrong. The game is totally rigged against you. This isn't you giving up responsibility. You are simply admitting the obvious. 

If you don't believe me, fine. You are welcome to keep over-analyzing every single move you make. Nothing good will ever come out of it. Besides, you can change yourself only so much. Sooner or later, your real you always surfaces.

The real reason why everyone blames you is that:

1. Women don't want to take any responsibility. They are spoiled, entitled bitches brainwashed by society.
2. Men do not want to admit the obvious. They want to believe in the existence of those wild unicorns.
Well fucking said
True. When you are on a date, you are basically selling yourself - similar to a job interview. You are modeling for her like a slave.
Next truth? Sometimes there's nothing you can do to make it work. Anything. You'll never hit that bench you want, you'll never got that hot girl you want. It just never works out like you want it to. Keep on coping, one day, maybe. Smile
(03-13-2019, 02:01 PM)TruthSeeker Wrote: In fact, most men behave like uncle Tom when it comes to your failures - they sign with the enemy even though they are in the same boat as you.

This is the most annoying thing whenever you call a girl out on her misbehavior. All those little bastards that suddenly feel the need to stand against you and defend that bitch. Much of the female deterioration is really man-made (pun intended).
(03-14-2019, 11:50 AM)Hans Wrote: This is the most annoying thing whenever you call a girl out on her misbehavior. All those little bastards that suddenly feel the need to stand against you and defend that bitch. Much of the female deterioration is really man-made (pun intended).

In my pick-up/red pill days, I would post a problem and will be immediately torn apart by those who allegedly do it right. Many men in those movements behave like a pack of hyenas. You get banned right away for criticizing their group even a little. No different than the SS.com forum.

Online everyone is super strong and follows the ultimate program. Everyone is a genius and you are a retard. But one visit to any local gym tells you otherwise - most people are not big and are far away from their e-stats.

Squatting 315lbs is a joke online, but offline it's a rarity with good form.

The same with women. All those "slayers" who hold their frame and deploy special tactics (kino escalation and other nonsense) are allegedly changing their women every week. In reality, most average men are sexless. Hence why you should always downgrade the attractiveness of their women in their reports. Those 6s are actually 3s. And the 8s are actually 4s with make-up. The sex is actually a kiss at best.

But those kids continue to live in their fantasy while buying the lies of their gurus.
(03-14-2019, 03:11 PM)TruthSeeker Wrote: In my pick-up/red pill days, I would post a problem and will be immediately torn apart by those who allegedly do it right. Many men in those movements behave like a pack of hyenas. You get banned right away for criticizing their group even a little. No different than the SS.com forum.

Online everyone is super strong and follows the ultimate program. Everyone is a genius and you are a retard. But one visit to any local gym tells you otherwise - most people are not big and are far away from their e-stats.

Squatting 315lbs is a joke online, but offline it's a rarity with good form.

The same with women. All those "slayers" who hold their frame and deploy special tactics (kino escalation and other nonsense) are allegedly changing their women every week. In reality, most average men are sexless. Hence why you should always downgrade the attractiveness of their women in their reports. Those 6s are actually 3s. And the 8s are actually 4s with make-up. The sex is actually a kiss at best.

But those kids continue to live in their fantasy while buying the lies of their gurus.
Will these PUA gurus ever go extinct? Can't they just slit their wrists or hang themselves since their lives are so miserable and they spread their infectious disease to innocent bystanders who frequent the internet too much? It must happen. If a PUA guy goes inactive online, he must have realized his life is a lie and hung himself in his mom's basement right after fapping to the women he paid to be standing next to him in his slaying pics on his website. 

Sometimes I despise these men more than the women they despise. They have a hive mind just like feminists do. They are basically an isomorphism (equivalent) to feminists when it comes to blaming and hating. Except replace male with female when it comes to blaming. Not arguing whose to blame (objectively females should be blamed more) but they act the same way. 

I always thought the manosphere empowers feminists even more cause they give the women a more substantial male stereotype to attack in the media. Sure, the man's movement may have some more numbers each year, but feedback loop and you get more feminists to double up on these manosphere guys. They are outnumbered by feminists and feminist-supporters (made up of lots of men) and they don't seem to be winning anything. They think they are. Roosh and his small army of manhood saviors see themselves as crusaders against the feminists. I even saw an ad with their faces inserted over US soldiers' bodies. It's ridiculous. Maybe a handful of them might be okay at slaying (infrequently), but all the others lie or exaggerate big time. 

SS (BB shutzstaffel) forum. Mehdi the savior of natties who loves squats and believes that trunk leg men are the idealized male while captain upper bodies are the disgusting and undesirable ones. BTW Mehdi has a nice workout room in his parent's garage. He has nice parents!
(03-14-2019, 05:52 PM)locutus24 Wrote: Sure, the man's movement may have some more numbers each year, but feedback loop and you get more feminists to double up on these manosphere guys. They are outnumbered by feminists and feminist-supporters (made up of lots of men) and they don't seem to be winning anything. They think they are. 

Male feminists - the worst of the worst.

When do you know you're a male feminist? When your girlfriend tells my girlfriend how great you are (so that she can make my life miserable by mentioning you).

Hang them higher.
(03-14-2019, 08:19 PM)Hans Wrote: Male feminists - the worst of the worst.

When do you know you're a male feminist? When your girlfriend tells my girlfriend how great you are (so that she can make my life miserable by mentioning you).

Hang them higher.
[Image: Dayg3pdbNYqeAQHAeexFs02xcLgw6IHSb4LmMJVX...0e713fdc28]
Dating is an enormous waste of time and energy and precisely why some cultures and rich people have formally or softly arranged marriages got their children.

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