(12-07-2018, 02:00 AM)Simple Simon Wrote: In an article on Intermittant Fasting on the site (https://nattyornotforum.com/showthread.php?tid=14) some great comments, which matched my experiences in losing weight. And re-iterate that exercise to lose weight is one of the biggest scams of the fitness industry.
“I did no cardio.
Fat loss is 99.9% diet, specifically, total calories.”
“Reduce my exercise to practically nothing”
“Ditch cardio unless you simply love doing it. Cardio tends to increase appetite and your ROI with cardio is terrible in terms of calorie burn for time invested”
“Diet is 99.9% when it comes to fat loss. Exercise burns very few calories.”
“In the end it all comes to calorie control
You should do cardio for health reasons”
“It's like the old "if you do HIT workouts" you burn fat for 48 hours....shown to be B*S*
Calories is 99.999%”
i am really struggling to understand this.
1 hour cardio is about 1,000 cal's...give or take 100
Let's say in a week you diet down to -2500 cal's (which is pretty hard dieting)
So that about 2/3lb of fat....good stuff.
Now you add in 3 hours of cardio and that's an extra 3,000
Now you are at -5,500 cal's for the week. or about 1 2/3lb of fat.
-3,500 = -1lb
How you get there is your choice. It's hard to do through diet alone. At the very least cardio will speed things up.
To say cardio has no effect on fat loss is 100% completely wrong. No it cannot compensate for a bad diet (i.e huge calory surplus) but it can speed things up massively IF you keep on top of your diet.
I am sorry...i am failing to see why you would post this?
(12-12-2018, 05:57 AM)Simple Simon Wrote: I found this relevant quote from TC Luoma
"Hardly any one knew or believed that pro bodybuilders used steroids. In fact, it wasn't until later when one of the magazines I worked for started talking about steroid use among the pros that people wised up. All over the country, bubbles loudly burst. Joe [Weider] ... even called me up at home once to complain about how I was destroying the image of health he'd so carefully tried to construct."
To the man in the street. The more you exercise,lift weights the more muscular you become. There is no limit. They see some huge roided body builder and equate that with hard work and knowledge. We know better. They aren't interested in the truth
(12-11-2018, 11:09 PM)Simple Simon Wrote: (12-07-2018, 06:54 AM)TruthSeeker Wrote: Fitness is not about health anymore than capitalism is about personal progress and socialism is about justice and equality. The goal is not to be healthy but to create a look that brings you validation, admiration and material benefits such as money, sex...etc.
As I said earlier, I believe the whole fitness (and related beauty) industry is based on lies and scams, but because the public figures are smiling, attractive and (most importantly) claim to be so concerned about everyone's health, they get a free pass.
I think Hollywood is the same.
What a coincidence all the leading stars are amazingly good looking. Couldn't have had plastic surgery to make improvements....no it's 100% natural. Just good luck. Yet there they are with almost perfect facial measurements...hmmmm...sounds familiar.
Look outstanding, claim it is all 100% natural..make huge money, keep smiling, repeat.
How is it some of these movie stars show no signs of ageing? Look better than they did 15 years ago? Look so different to when they first appeared? Have perfect jaw lines, chins,noses, full thick heads of hair and high cheekbones? (that defines good looks)
100% natural Bro! Just wash in goats milk twice a day and you too can look like a movie star.
“It's like the old "if you do HIT workouts" you burn fat for 48 hours....shown to be B*S*
Calories is 99.999%”
I wrote this it's true about the 48 hour burn...but to say cardio has no place at all in fat loss......i do not agree with. + i love my sports.