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Fitness Industry Scams
Put muscle on so you burn more calories in your rest period.

Anyone over 10% b.f. bulking (99% of gym rats)

No pain..no gain

You need to work out 10 hours+ week to get good results.  

Those idiots on PED's are healthy and look good.

If you eat certain foods or only a certain times you can lose fat.... It's all about calories.

Supplements can overcome a high calorie intake

90%+ shouldn't even bother

I find it a bit confusing about cardio.

Cardio can absolutely help in cutting fat....1 hour jogging burns about 900 cal's. Now all it is doing is putting you into a calorie deficit. Nothing complicated about it. If you still go over calorie you won't lose any fat. Just gives you a bit more leeway with food intake. The downside being time and wear and tear on your body. I do it short term. 1 week tops.

But it can 100% help you.

It is not necessary but can help and speed things up.
(11-13-2018, 03:48 PM)Brett Wrote:
(11-10-2018, 09:39 AM)Simple Simon Wrote: I'll list mine. Feel free to question or add. 

- Consuming protein builds muscle.

Protein will only build muscle if there is a demand. Plus, protein requirements for this are grossly overstated. 

- Exercise to lose weight

The amount of energy utilized when exercising is so small that it can not have a significant effect on weight loss.

- Aerobic exercise of 20 min+ burns body fat.

Technically a correct statement, but the actual amount is minimal.

- Exercise stimulates your metabolism causing your body to burn additional calories during the day.

Again, technically a correct statement, but the actual amount is minimal

- Resistance training builds muscle so yo will burn additional calories. 

Again, technically a correct statement, but the actual amount is minimal.

Basically they evolved from these fathers:

Serge Nubret: pump training with high volume and high frequency
Frank Zane: pump training with push, pull, legs split
Arnold: heavy lifting with high volume and high frequency
Mike Mentzer: low volume and low frequency and lifting heavy

Basically none of these methods work and all YouTube fake natties seem to resell some form of the above.

You say "none work"?
So how have I put muscle on by lifting weights? A better reply is they all work to a small degree (for natties).
- whatever new bulking "serious" mass routine the gurus are selling
- comrade Russian routines
Convict Conditioning system - quite popular but overpriced and overhyped from fake author full of broscience, fitness and prison fairy tales

Warrior and Renegade diet books - again, very popular but full of broscience and doubtful historical data, and basically just another ripoff of intermittent fasting

You can easily find all info from these books online for free

Kettlebells - quite useless and expensive
Most of these are specifically bodybuilding scams. I was looking at this thread as more fitness scams, as they are far more widely promoted to the general public - and then believed. I've actually thought of an overall statement that should cover it all.

The fitness industry is based on lies and scams. But because the public figures are smiling and attractive, and claim to be so concerned about everyone's health and happiness, they get a free pass.
hmmm...i found this to be the most effective method for natties to get up to their potential. Still glad you "explained" the facts to us:

Lastly, and probably the most ineffective method of them all for natties is Mentzers. The lift extremely heavy to failure once every week (although I think he took even longer breaks) for one or two working sets for very low reps utilising negatives and forced reps.
(11-14-2018, 08:17 PM)Navigator Wrote: Convict Conditioning system - quite popular but overpriced and overhyped from fake author full of broscience, fitness and prison fairy tales

Warrior and Renegade diet books - again, very popular but full of broscience and doubtful historical data, and basically just another ripoff of intermittent fasting

You can easily find all info from these books online for free

Kettlebells - quite useless and expensive

I like some things about kettlebells, but they are definitely expensive.
(11-15-2018, 02:14 PM)Brett Wrote:
(11-15-2018, 01:27 PM)jimjohnson Wrote: hmmm...i found this to be the most effective method for natties to get up to their potential. Still glad you "explained" the facts to us:

Lastly, and probably the most ineffective method of them all for natties is Mentzers. The lift extremely heavy to failure once every week (although I think he took even longer breaks) for one or two working sets for very low reps utilising negatives and forced reps.

Good for you. I believed an article was even written by truth seeker on heavy duty training. Maybe you should look it up. Although that's not the reason for me listing it as ineffective. If the program worked for you, its because you weren't really following Mentzers full program as he did. Training a muscle group once a week can and does work, but that's not what I was referring too, nor what mentzer preached. He preached one working set to failure, perhaps once a week maybe longer for a bodypart. Maybe he did some warm ups (probably did), but it doesn't change the fact this method is not the "best" for naturals. That doesn't mean it can't get you to your genetic potential however.

Glad I could explain it to you again.

Ok so why wouldn't it work? If you are progressing why will it not build muscle?

No i do not follow any ones system...I just progressed and that required plenty of rest. I like to lift heavy rather than high volume. I say heavy as in relatively. I won;t be winning any strogngman competitions.

You say high volume, low volume, every day, once a week, split training does not work....so what DOES work in your opinion? What is left?

so for 1-3 reps is great for strength but not ideal for muscle growth?

What about static hold 20-30 sec's? I mean the reason we do say 7 reps is so we actually hold the wight for about 30 sec's right? So why not simply hold it is the optimal position for 30 sec's?

I like the physiques of guys Like Sandow, Aston, the old time strongmen. + it's nice to at least be stronger than average Joe of you actually lift weights. I do find it funny some of these huge body builders that are no stronger than average Joe...
(11-16-2018, 03:05 PM)jimjohnson Wrote:
(11-15-2018, 02:14 PM)Brett Wrote:
(11-15-2018, 01:27 PM)jimjohnson Wrote: hmmm...i found this to be the most effective method for natties to get up to their potential. Still glad you "explained" the facts to us:

Lastly, and probably the most ineffective method of them all for natties is Mentzers. The lift extremely heavy to failure once every week (although I think he took even longer breaks) for one or two working sets for very low reps utilising negatives and forced reps.

Good for you. I believed an article was even written by truth seeker on heavy duty training. Maybe you should look it up. Although that's not the reason for me listing it as ineffective. If the program worked for you, its because you weren't really following Mentzers full program as he did. Training a muscle group once a week can and does work, but that's not what I was referring too, nor what mentzer preached. He preached one working set to failure, perhaps once a week maybe longer for a bodypart. Maybe he did some warm ups (probably did), but it doesn't change the fact this method is not the "best" for naturals. That doesn't mean it can't get you to your genetic potential however.

Glad I could explain it to you again.

Ok so why wouldn't it work? If you are progressing why will it not build muscle?

No i do not follow any ones system...I just progressed and that required plenty of rest. I like to lift heavy rather than high volume. I say heavy as in relatively. I won;t be winning any strogngman competitions.

You say high volume, low volume, every day, once a week, split training does not work....so what DOES work in your opinion? What is left?

According to a large number of studies done by dr brad schoenfeld, in order to maximize your muscle gain potential as a natural, and even as a half natty (half natty means mild steroid use) you need high frequency, moderate volume and low to moderate intensity.  The reason behind this is due to the fact that MPS (muscle protein synthesis) lasts for about 28-48 maybe at the most 72 hours (but 28-48 is closer to reality,though nothing is set in stone here) . Brad shoenfeld has also stated that you need at the very least 10 sets per muscle group in order to fully stimulate the muscles and disrupt the homeostasis. He says that to get the most amount of MPS you need to workout at least 3 times a week, preferably by doing full body workouts. This type of working out allows you to recover at a good pace so you can push yourself each workout.

So lets say we take 2 hypothetical guys.We will call them lifter A and lifter B. Lifter A does the classic split type workout, chest day, arms day,back day etc. He stimulates MPS once maybe twice a week but due to the nature of split workouts he has to go every day in the gym and workout 1 specific muscle group.

Well here is the problem n1, your body is not a stack of legos. If you workout chest on monday, you workout your triceups,shoulders, and a tiny fraction of your back (if you know how to bench properly) So Tuesday comes, and its back day. He works out his back, but here we have another issue. Back exercises, work your posterior chain, pull-ups work your chest and triceups (if done properly and by properly i mean full range of motion up-down). Then comes wednesday, he has legs. He has already tired his posterior chain muscles, so he wont be able to squat as much. Which leads to low volume in legs. Say hello to chicken legs in 1 year. Thing is, muscles are interconnected with each other, so if you have a total low volume your body wont grow as fast. I could go on and on, but this will be too long to read Big Grin Long story short, this guy stimulates MPS once a week, maybe twice by a very small chance, and he is missing out potential growth.To give you a perspective, he gets 2 growth windows every week (and i am being very generous here), which translates to 8 growth windows a month or 96 in a year . The outcome? He does not grow much, and what could have been achieved in a year may take him 2 years maybe more.

Lets go to lifter B. He goes to the gym 3 days (at least) and does full body workouts. He has great recovery, and stimulates MPS every 48 hours in each muscle group consistently. Thats 3 growth windows he gets every week. Which translate to 12 GW (growth windows) a month, and 144 a year. You do the math, and calculate how much growth both of them will have in 5 years ahead.

Lifter A => 480GW
Lifter B => 720GW

Lifter B has almost twice the amount of GW of lifter A. Can you imagine what that means in muscle gain? If those guys where to compete in a sport, lifter A may never be able to reach the level of lifter B by now, unless he uses a proper program and by now only steroids could help him catch up with lifter B (but if lifter B uses steroids aswel then its a lost battle)

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