01-23-2019, 01:55 PM
Every great achievement requires hard work, but not all hard work results in a great achievement.
When I was around 20 years old, I was heavily criticized for my lack of work ethic. I can see why. I was lazy and weak. But the people criticizing me were too lost in the other direction - they were working too hard at positions leading to a dead end. They were obsessed with doing it right. Waking up early, going on time...etc. For what? Honestly, for nothing.
Once I got older, I started to routinely laugh at motivated women at the office. They were leaving 2-3 hours late almost every day. I know two crazies that stood up until 2 a.m. once.
Once again I ask - for what? The answer is still the same.
They work for ungrateful bosses and leave after a few years - frustrated, burned out and more retarded than ever. By the way, seeing women spend their best child bearing years slaving to a pointless job is saddening.
So, whenever the elite tries to make you feel bad that you are not working hard enough, they actually mean that you are not slaving hard enough for them.
That does not mean that you can achieve your goals without working hard. But hard work is not the most difficult part. Creating a context where your hard work matters is.
When I was around 20 years old, I was heavily criticized for my lack of work ethic. I can see why. I was lazy and weak. But the people criticizing me were too lost in the other direction - they were working too hard at positions leading to a dead end. They were obsessed with doing it right. Waking up early, going on time...etc. For what? Honestly, for nothing.
Once I got older, I started to routinely laugh at motivated women at the office. They were leaving 2-3 hours late almost every day. I know two crazies that stood up until 2 a.m. once.
Once again I ask - for what? The answer is still the same.
They work for ungrateful bosses and leave after a few years - frustrated, burned out and more retarded than ever. By the way, seeing women spend their best child bearing years slaving to a pointless job is saddening.
So, whenever the elite tries to make you feel bad that you are not working hard enough, they actually mean that you are not slaving hard enough for them.
That does not mean that you can achieve your goals without working hard. But hard work is not the most difficult part. Creating a context where your hard work matters is.