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Ronnie Coleman: Mr Olympia’s troubling downfall
Well, it's not about steroids and surgeries, it's about doing dumb things. As far as I know he was fine after first couple of surgeries, but then he started lifting heavy again and that was really really stupid. Sometimes you have to know when to calm down.
was he the ex cop? I get mixed up with him Heath...

well ho doesn't look great now..and people only care about now.
(01-28-2019, 12:21 PM)jimjohnson Wrote: well ho doesn't look great now..and people only care about now.

The illusion incarnated by professional bodybuilders disappears completely when our precious heroes end their careers eventually. Then they return down to earth, and look like what? Like you and me, often even worse. The magic is gone. Yet the devil still demands his paycheck ...
So no mention of the fact that Coleman used the most atrocious form. This would have multiplied the forces on his body. Or is such form std amongst pro's?

(01-28-2019, 12:21 PM)jimjohnson Wrote: was he the ex cop?

Yes. But also, he was Mr O with the bloated stomach of a sumo wrestler.
Look at Arnie now....you would never think he used to be a Mr "O" would you?

Is that becausu their nat T are shot for good?
^ I don't know about steroids shutting down your natural T production after you go off them, as I've never used them. But re. Arnold S, ummm... the man is now in his 70s.
EVen so....he could be in much better shape.

All former Mr O's never look good older.

T levels are probably shot for good
Ronnie Coleman delivers his top training tips to help sculpt the perfect rig
Doing max attempts with powerlifting gear on top of a shitton of heavy training with bad form takes a toll on the body.
"but it took a long time for me to get there,” Coleman said on the The Joe Rogan Experience

“I didn’t get there overnight. “I put on … between five and 10 pounds of muscle a year, and that came from all that heavy lifting (and) a lot of eating, a lot of eating.”"

"said [in competition] his body fat percentage stood at 0.33 per cent

"all Coleman could offer up as a reason for his ridiculously low reading was “genetics”.

"Three months out, his body fat percentage would have blown out — to three per cent — the highest it ever was while he was still competing."


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