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Joe Weider

"Weider's ads were such a facade and brain washing tool, it is ridiculous...he learned how to play on the ego of so many males, it is ridiculous.     Weider and his peers had so, so many of us believing the lies and scams.  And as was discussed on the other thread, he (and Bob Kennedy, Dan Laurie, etc.) had us believing women were/are attracted to juiced up dudes.  "Not"

Read the book Little Big Men...great discussion on how Charles Atlas and bodybuilding plays to the male insecurities...like "BIG ARMS" are going to address anything in your life." 
For most women bodybuilding look is disgusting
Only women on steroids or mentally challenged ones obsessed with fitness and health find it attractive
Most women prefer fit-sport type of man
Who knew you could just casually forgive a half a century of lying in a few words.

"Joe Weider was an exercise scientist.
He may not have held a degree, but his ceaseless experimentation produced an impressive body of work, including his Weider Principles. Whether they were invented by him, or merely packaged by him, no one cares now. They have helped millions find their way in the gym."

To me, this was his biggest scam of all.

"Joe Weider was a marketing genius.
He was selling a lifestyle, and he had a keen sense of his market. The aspirational physiques on the pages of his magazines offered a promise that would not only change your body, it would change your life, too. Self-confidence, health, vigor—Joe Weider figured out how to "bottle" them."

Joe Weider (1919-2013): Remembering The Father Of Bodybuilding
(01-12-2021, 09:37 PM)Simple Simon Wrote: Who knew you could just casually forgive a half a century of lying in a few words.

"Joe Weider was an exercise scientist.
He may not have held a degree, but his ceaseless experimentation produced an impressive body of work, including his Weider Principles. Whether they were invented by him, or merely packaged by him, no one cares now. They have helped millions find their way in the gym."

To me, this was his biggest scam of all.

"Joe Weider was a marketing genius.
He was selling a lifestyle, and he had a keen sense of his market. The aspirational physiques on the pages of his magazines offered a promise that would not only change your body, it would change your life, too. Self-confidence, health, vigor—Joe Weider figured out how to "bottle" them."

Joe Weider (1919-2013): Remembering The Father Of Bodybuilding

No different than the lies of the oligarchs around ww2, covid 19, BLM, systematic racism, etc.

"Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the state" James Angleton - head of CIA counter intelligence 1954 - 1974.

interesting little video. And yes, I agree.

Joe Weider - A True Snake Oil Salesman Of The Modern Age
Derek Grant
"going to spoil some people's fantasy on Bodybuilding. Joe Weider never trained anyone, yes never trained anyone. He was a promoter and publisher of a magazine and had a great eye for physiques. He sold products and ideas. Those pictures of him looking over Arnold and others at Gold's Gym are stage for magazine purposes. Joe would go into the gym observe what bodybuilders were doing, name it a 'Weider Principle' and publish it in his magazine. Notice in his magazine everything was a Weider Principle even if it was done long before anyone ever heard of Joe Weider. Point: Joe Weider never trained anyone, if you were good enough from your own blood sweat and tears you may get a stipend and a chance to work in his wharehouse stocking and loading. ... Bodybuilders and real trainers help developed those exercises. Weider looked and named them took pictures and posted themn in the magazines calling them Weider Principles.”


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