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Omar Isuf
Ok, I had to make this thread. I know, he is the last bastion of hope for natties and people still want to believe that this guy is clean. Yeah, they can keep dreaming...

First, I want to address his physique. His physique is actually not a giveaway for the steroid use. But his delusional fanboys use his not-out-of-this-world look as a proof that he is the only natty on Youtube and that he never touched anything. Now there is one big problem with this logic - not everyone looks insane on AAS. I mean, people always talk about 3D shoulders, traps and whatever, but do they realize that these are just obvious signs and not a proof that someone is not using anything? Olympic weightlifters, wrestlers, MMA fighters, etc. most of them don't have an amazing 3D look, but they are all on gear. And it's funny when Omar's fanboys say "Well, the way he trains he would be much bigger if he is on AAS", because in reality it's doesn't work that way. It depends on your doses, type of  drugs, your training and your genetics. Some people jump on gear and they still look average. Case in point, Cassidy Campbell was on tren and did he look amazing? Does Jason Blaha look amazing? It's just a stupid argument. Although, I have to say that there were some moments when Omar looked a little suspicious. But besides his average genetics, Omar is certainly not stupid. Even if he can look amazing, do they really think he would make it that obvious for them? The bottom line is his look doesn't prove anything, it doesn't prove for sure that he is on gear, but it also doesn't prove that he is not on gear.

Now, let's address the real giveaway - his insane strength. Oh yeah, that's the biggest irony. The biggest giveaway is the very thing he promotes. And again his delusional fanboys say "Haha, Omar is strong but he is not that strong, everyone can get his numbers after years of training" and again they are out of touch with reality. Omar Isuf is 82-83 kg and his lifts are: bench press 165 kg, squat 226 kg and deadlift 273 kg (don't forget 100kg press). Now in what world is 165/226/273 or 664 kg total not that strong for 83 kg guy? You know what's really funny - his delusional natty fanboys are nowhere near these numbers. Not one of them, I can guarantee you. But their fucked-up logic is something like this "Well, the world record total for 83 kg class is about 800 kg, so 664 is nothing, you can achieve that as a natty". Yeah, in your dreams... I mean, I don't know - does internet make people more stupid or what? But they still want to believe, so let's look at CPU Nationals. http://www.powerlifting.ca/resultsnat.html Now look at Men's Open 83 for several years... Can't they see how good his total is? He would place 4-7th in Canada depending on the year, which is a pretty good result. But he is not that strong I guess. Can't they realize that his bench and deadlift are like in top 3 most of the time? Now, do they really believe that all those guys are natural?

By the way, I live in a country much smaller then Canada, but our 83 kg national champion has the same total as Omar Isuf. So think about it. How can a guy who claims he is natural have the same total as a guy who is on AAS? I mean, our powerlifters are not world record holders, but come on... Yeah, our national champion is a fucking retard who doesn't know anything about periodization, but Omar Isuf has some secret superb training knowledge so he can achieve the same total without drugs. I guess his father is Jor-El... And we can expect 51st video about tweaking our squat technique and improving our bench, so we can have the same total as natties.

And one more thing, this is an old video of Omar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfnRMePeamc Am I hallucinating or he had a gyno back then?
His fanboys are too emotionally invested, they can't see the truth even if it's in front of them. They watch his videos, they think he is cool, they think he wants to help them get stronger, when in reality he only wants to make money. They can't even accept the possibility that he is lying. It's too painful for them. "No, there is no way he can sit like that in front of the camera and lie to us. Come on, that's Omar". But that's exactly what he is doing. He will sit in front of you with Greg Nuckols or some other bullshitter, talk about science and he will come home and put a needle in his butt. And they will thank him for "the informative content" when at the same time he doesn't give a fuck about them. He made a ton of money, he opened his own gym, he is selling some shit... I mean, you know, the guy is actually smart. No one even questions his elite level total, even if he can squat 250 kg or deadlift 300 kg, it doesn't matter, they will still think that's perfectly normal. They believe it's all hard work and programming. And in 10 years they still won't be even close to his numbers, but it just doesn't matter. They feel safe in their own emotional bubble. Or they are just stupid, I don't know.
Doesn't look like he has gyno but I agree he is a fake natty.
(01-02-2019, 06:52 AM)Brett Wrote: Precisely. Some one made a comment earlier about how a youtuber that is open about his steroid use has a low subscriber base.

That was me. 

I think mass media successfully sold the 'hard work = succcess' mindset to many people and they have this dream that if they put all their dedication into something it will necessary pay off. Here comes *input random youtube fitness guru* who gives you bunch of detailed workout/diet information and your brain dopamine receptor are pumped again with this magic neurotransmitter that makes you move. You feel your body stimmed again and ready for all of the self destruction in the gym.
But life is unfair and just because you endure a lot of pain and work really hard doesn't necessary means that success is some sort of reward or something that life owes to you. It doesn't work like that, neither in fitness, neither in business.
As far as I know dopamine is rather connected with mobilization and motivation than the reward itself. For people is important to move on and believe. 
And when the reward is realistic like - 20 lbs of muscle for three years dedication people just won't be motivated do everything that it takes, which usually is busting their ass, buying overpriced supplements, buying useless coaching programs and clicking sub on every fitness youtube channel.
It suffice to say that his YouTube pals are Elliott Hulse and some other steroid junkies
Sapienti sat aka “a word is enough (to a wise man)"
Never seen a natty lift those numbers in the gym.
Omar has a new video, and he's seemingly making some big back gains out of nowhere.

(01-21-2019, 05:09 PM)ravedeath1066 Wrote: Omar has a new video, and he's seemingly making some big back gains out of nowhere.


Wait, I'm still stuck at "Why I Choose To Stay Natural" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7HfNP35Stw) ...
(01-21-2019, 08:21 PM)Brett Wrote:
(01-21-2019, 05:09 PM)ravedeath1066 Wrote: Omar has a new video, and he's seemingly making some big back gains out of nowhere.


Must be due to his magnificent willpower and intellectual programming.

No dude, after all those years of me doing progressive overload on the compound movements and strategically selecting my isolation movements, Omar eventually reveals (4:37min) what I have been missing so far: progressive overload on the compound movements and strategically selecting my isolation movements. Umpfh ...
(12-31-2018, 06:01 AM)Templar Wrote: Now, let's address the real giveaway - his insane strength. Oh yeah, that's the biggest irony. The biggest giveaway is the very thing he promotes. And again his delusional fanboys say "Haha, Omar is strong but he is not that strong, everyone can get his numbers after years of training" and again they are out of touch with reality. Omar Isuf is 82-83 kg and his lifts are: bench press 165 kg, squat 226 kg and deadlift 273 kg (don't forget 100kg press). Now in what world is 165/226/273 or 664 kg total not that strong for 83 kg guy?

By the way, I live in a country much smaller then Canada, but our 83 kg national champion has the same total as Omar Isuf.

I just checked the national records for the drug-tested powerlifting federation of my country (not a small one; possibly the same, I don't know):

In 2018, Omar would have held the single-event national records in SQ and DL, the national records in SQ and BP as part of a powerlifting meet, and the national total record. He would have won last year's national single-event championships in SQ and DL, and would have placed 2nd in BP. He would have beaten even the winner of the 90kg class in SQ and BP, and he would have won the national powerlifting championships (all three disciplines in a single meet) in 2018 with flying colors.

Concerning the national IPF chapter (officially drug-tested either, haha ...), he would have placed 2nd in single-event DL, 4th in single-event BP, and 2nd at the national powerlifting championships (being head-to-head with the winner).

That strong he is.

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